Sample criteria for setting collaborative projects and laboratories

The preparation of collaborative arrangements and, in particular, “Collaborative Laboratories” to be considered in K4P Alliances, encompass the identification and definition of the following tasks:

  1. Strategic Vision, major topics to be addressed and region of influence, fostering digital connectivity infrastructures in fully compliance with cybersecurity standards;
  2. Brief and Detailed Presentation of the Work Plan, including strategy for qualified job creation and to foster “sustainable and healthy territories”, through a network of Data Centers for Earth Observation and related scientific, technological and innovation activities for blue and green growth;
  3. Research and Innovation Agenda;
  4. Potential impact foreseen and/or expected;
  5. Evolution plan of qualified and scientific employment to be created directly in the CoLAB (i.e., staff of the CoLAB) and indirectly (i.e., in other institutions and in the regional markets);
  6. Brief plan for “environmental certification” of activities;
  7. Analysis of major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (i.e., type of SWOT analysis; or similar narrative);
  8. Selected information regarding the characteristics of “bootstrapping team” (i.e., team) and the role of the members of participating entities;
  9. Governance and Management, including future relationships with main promoters of the K4P Alliance (e.g., “Air Centre affiliation”);
  10. Financial and Business Plan, with detailed analysis of plan for the diversification of funding sources and identification of main Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to be achieved.

The evaluation and selection process is based on 4 main review criteria:

C | POTENTIAL SOCIAL and ECONOMIC IMPACT, namely in terms of eradicating poverty and the creation of qualified employment to be created directly and indirectly.
D | POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT, namely in terms of conditions for sustainable development, including the capacity to foster carbon sequestration and promote carbon markets.

Application of these criteria shall take into account, among other considerations, the following aspects:

Criterion A:
  • Relevance, soundness and potential of the strategic vision: Clear identification and characterization of the challenge and extent to which the problem to be addressed is of relevant dimension and complexity; Clarity of stated goals, objectives and priorities;
  • Scientific, technological and innovation potential of the proposed activities: Extent to which these activities contribute to achieve the established goals and are beyond the state of the art and demonstrate innovation and technological potential driven by the identification of economic, social and cultural needs and challenges; Appropriate consideration of interdisciplinary and inter-sectorial approaches;
  • Potential for knowledge-based value creation: Ability to translate knowledge into novel concepts, approaches, processes, products, technologies, services, businesses, organizational models, among others;
  • Appropriate measures for the dissemination and/or exploitation of scientific and technological results;
  • Appropriate measures for the internationalization of the national scientific and technological capacity, including the potential to foster high value exports.

Criterion B:
  • Ability of the consortium to implement the action plan. Complementarity of the participants and extent to which the consortium as whole brings together the necessary expertise and resources; Effective mobilization and collaboration with entities of the productive, social and cultural fabric and the adequate articulation with the higher education institutions and research centers;
  • Appropriate plan for Human Resources development, in special (HR Hire Plan) that guarantees the success of the workplan; Adequate plan for specialized training and job creation as well as to establish the conditions to attract and retain qualified human resources;
  • Appropriate allocation of tasks, ensuring that all participants have a valid role and adequate resources in the project to fulfil that role; Feasibility and effectiveness of the work plan including the extent to which the resources assigned to work packages are in line with their objectives and deliverables;
  • Appropriate business and financial plan to successfully implement the action plan proposed and guarantee the project medium- and long-term sustainability. This includes the adequacy of the budget to accomplish the proposed R&D Agenda and the suitability of the strategy to attract and diversify the funding sources during 5 years and secure the adequate revenues;
  • Appropriate management structures and procedures, including risk and innovation management and the definition of KPIs to be achieved.

Criterion C:
  • Conditions and actions for eradicating poverty and promote “sustainable and healthy territories”;
  • Level and nature of qualified and scientific employment created, including employment established directly by the Collaborative Laboratories and potential indirect impact in the markets;
  • Potential to stimulate knowledge-based economy and its diffusion throughout the territory together with relevant actors from these territories; Mobilize the entrepreneurial capacity, create new market opportunities and strengthen competitiveness and growth of companies.
  • Develop innovative solutions to complex societal challenges creating economic, social and cultural value;
  • Creation of critical mass and new centralities for R&D and innovation activities throughout the national territory, especially in areas of lower population density;
  • Strengthen the institutional collaboration of interface and knowledge transfer centers, ensuring the collaboration between NGOs, technology and engineering centers with scientific and higher education institutions and with the productive fabric and cultural and social institutions.

Criterion D:
  • Conditions and actions for sustainable development, including the capacity to foster carbon sequestration and promote carbon markets;
  • Potential to stimulate greening the society and economy and its diffusion throughout the territory together with relevant actors from these territories; Mobilize “green entrepreneurial capacity”, create new “green market opportunities” and strengthen competitiveness and growth of “green companies”;
  • Develop innovative solutions to complex environmental challenges creating new economic, social and cultural values following the SDGs and the Agenda 2030;
  • Creation of critical mass and new centralities for “Green finance” and “Green innovation” and activities throughout the regions addressed;
  • Strengthen the institutional collaboration among “Green have”, ensuring the collaboration between NGOS, technology and engineering centers with scientific and higher education institutions and with the productive fabric and cultural and social institutions;
  • Potential to stimulate the “environmental certification” of activities.