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- STRINGS (2022), Steering Research and Innovation for Global Goals.
- Do the science on sustainability now, Nature, Vol. 610, 27 October 2022, pp 605-606.
- UNDP (2022), Uncertain Times, Unsettled Lives: Shaping our Future in a Transforming World; UNDP (September 2022), “The Human Development Report 2021-22”, UNDP, New York.
- Rodrik, D. (2022), An Industrial Policy for Good Jobs (September 2022).
- Sangha et al (2022), “Ecosystem Services and Human Wellbeing-Based Approaches Can Help Transform Our Economies“, Front. Ecol. Evol., 15 April 2022.
- UNCTAD (2022), “The low carbon transition and its daunting implications for structural transformation - The Least Developed Countries Report 2022”, UNCATD.
- Karamjit S. Gill (2022), Book review, “Nowotny 2021: In AI we trust”, AI& Society, January 2021.
- Scuri, S., Ferreira, M., Nunes, N., Nisi, V. and Mulligan, C. (2022), “Hitting the riple Bottom Line – Widening the HCI approcah to sustainailbilty”, CHI`22, April 29-May 5, 2022; New orleans, USA.
- Bettencourt, L. (2021); “Introduction to Urban Science”, MIT Press.
- Joseph B. Bak-Coleman, Mark Alfano, Wofram Barfuss, Carl T. Bergstrom, MIgue Centeno, Iain D. Couzin, Jonathan F. Donges, Mirta GAlesic, Andew S Gersick, Jennifer Jacquet, Albert B Kao, Rachel E. Moran, Pawel ROmamnczuk, Daniel I. Rubenstaein, Kaia J Tombak, Jay J Van BAvel and Elke U weber (2021), “Stewardship of global collective behavior”, PNAS, June 21, 2021.
- Rolf et al (2021), A generalizable and accessible approach to machine learning with global satellite imagery, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS| (2021) 12:4392.
- Gates, W. (2021), “How to avoid a climate disaster: the solutions we have and the breakthroughs we need”, Alfred A. Knopf. New York: Penguim Books.
- Granger, M. (2021), “Book Review - How to avoid a climate disaster”, Risk Analysis, 41 (8).
- Reema Patel (2021), “Reboot AI with human values”, Nature, 598, pp27-28, October 2021.
- Helga Nowotny (2021), “In AI we Trust: power, Illusion and Control of predictive algorithms”, Polity Books.
- Sam Richards (2021), Web2 VS Web3.
- Preethi Kasireddy (2021), “The Architecture of a Web 3.0 application”.
- Helga Nowotny (2020), “Life in the Digital Time Machine”, The Wittrock Lecture Book Series, N. 11, Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS).
- IPBES (2019a). Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services; IPBES Conceptual Framework. Available online at: See, also, the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment (2005), “Ecosystems and Human Well-Being Synthesis, The World Resources Institute, Washington.
- Naomi Oreskes (2019); Why Trust Science?, 2019 (Princeton University Press).
- Max Mersch and Richard Muirhead (2019), What Is Web 3.0 & Why It Matters, 31 December 2019.
- San Murugesan (2019), As the Web celebrates its 30th Anniversary, what should its future be?, IEEE Spectrum, 22 March 2019.
- Thelisson, E., Morin, J.-H., Rochel, J. (2019), “AI Governance: digital responsibility as a building block”, 2 DELPHI 167.
- UNDP (2019), “The Human Development Report”, chapter 6; UNDP, New York.
- Chris Dixon (2018), “Why Decentralization Matters” Feb 18, 2018.
- Zhao, J, Gladson, L. and Cromar, K. (2018),“A Novel Environmental Justice Indicator for Managing Local Air Pollution”, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15(6), 1260Vitalik Buterin (2017), “The Meaning of Decentralization” Feb 6, 2017.
- Joydeep Bhattacharya, What is Web3.0?.
- Werner Vermaak, What is Web3?.
- Silva, Eliana S. (2019), “Testemunhos da Maré”, Mórula editores, Rio de Janeiro.
- DeLanda, Manuel (2017) “Assemblage Theory”. Edinburgh University Press, UK.
- Henrich, J. (2016), “The secret of our success: how culture is driving human evolution, domesticating our species, and making us smarter”, Princeton University Press.
- Bostrom, N. (2014), “Superintelligence: paths, dangers, strategies”, Oxford University Press.
- Jay, May (2010), “The virtues of mendacity on lying in politics”, University of Virginia Press.
- Brown, J. S. and Douglas, T. (2010), A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change, CreateSpace 2011.
- Madon, T., Gadgil, A.J., Anderson, R., Casaburi, L., Lee, K., Rezaee, A. (eds) Introduction to Development Engineering. Springer, Cham.